During the Christmas holiday, I had the chance to watch for the 2nd time the newly released DVD for Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King.
My favorite new scenes - I hope I'm not spoiling it for people! - are: (1) Merry's conversation with Eowyn on the eve of the Riders of Rohan charge on the Orcs at Pelennor Fields. It was a little moment that shows the bond that forms between the two characters. Paraphrasing Merry: My lady you are fair and brave with much to live for and many who love you. I'm just a Hobbit and can't save Middle Earth. But I want to help my friends. How I wish I could see them again. (2) Pippin's conversation with Faramir. Pippen was wondering why in the world he offered his service to Denathor saying what could a Hobbit offer to great Lords of Men. Faramir overheard his remark and encouraged him by saying that a good act shouldn't be questioned by cold calculation. Pippen realized that the armor he was given to wear was Faramir's. Faramir admited that Boromir was always the strong one and the one meant to be a soldier. Pippen says, you have a strength of your own which your father will see. Again another little moment that understandably got lost to keep the pace of the movie going in the movie house. But in the DVD it fills out the characters admirably. (3) The additional footage of Eowyn and Merry fighting the Orcs!
There is one new scene that just eludes me: Gandalf's encounter with the Witch King of Angmar just prior to the charge of the Rohan Riders. I just don't get it. It doesn't add much to the story. I suppose it adds to other scenes that shows Gandalf is far from "all powerful." Or perhaps it is to show the Witch King's overconfidence. Dunno.
Anyway, I just love all three movies. The visual effects are great. The sound effects are amazing. The music score is super.
But in the end, what made it work for me was the characters. You really want to know what happens to them. You want to see them wrestle with their doubts and stand up against evil. I would like to believe that I would fight my personal demons as well as the evil that is outside that needs to be confronted.
Lastly, I love the bond the characters have with each other.
I sincerely hope that I would have that kind of loyalty and commitment to my friends. I'd like to believe that if it came down to it, I could be Sam going with Frodo all the way to the fires of Mt. Doom. I want to be like Merry and Pippin who despite their own doubts put their lives on the line for those they love. I hope I could be like Gimli and Legolas who would go into the darkest tunnel with a friend. And on and on... every character we admire stands up for those they love.
Rambling about soccer: LA Galaxy, IF Elfsborg, Falkenbergs FF, Liverpool FC, Queens Park Rangers, and LAFC. Also random rambling about Star Trek, LA sports (Dodgers, UCLA, Kings, Lakers, Rams), politics (centrist), faith (Christian), and life. Send comments to rrblog[at]yahoo[dot]com.
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