One of the things the new "emergent" type churches and people who have some affinity for them like to do is incorporate art into their quest for spirituality. I'll leave the whole is emergent and postmodern debate kosher for another occasion!
The other day, in youth group, we did some using of our imagination to spur us to thinking about our walk with God.
Above is art (my attempt!), poetry (I'm not setting my sights on that poet laureate gig!) and Bible passage that spurred my reflections.
Your grace renews me like the wings of the morning
As your Spirit restores praising from mouring
May your light lead me to the truth of You
And the assurance You are good and make all things new
May I walk through the day looking all around
For the glimpses of beauty that can be found
Psalm 139:9-10
If I rise on the wings of the dawn
If I settle on the far side of the sea
Even there your hand will guide me
Your right hand will hold me fast
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