Is "submit" a bad word?
I suppose people think of someone with a rod beating an innocent person into submission. That's bad! As a side note, if a police officer beat somebody with her stick who was about to commit a murder or some other crime would be justified.
But of course, the idea of submit could be a child taking the parent's word that touching the hot stove is a bad idea. That's good for a child to submit.
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The idea of submission comes up in this part of 1 Peter 2 and in the beginning part of 1 Peter 3.
Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. For it is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Live as free men, but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as servants of God. Show proper respect to everyone: Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.
The wisdom of Scripture here says that government's role is to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. There are many ways that can be accomplished.
In American politics, there is an ongoing debate on the proper role of government. Simply put, the left wants more government, the center less and the right even less.
I do not think there is necessarily a "Christian" view of politics at this level. As I see it, the question is to what end (hopefully, a good one!)? And if to a good end, then what means (as long as it is moral) help achieve those ends?
Thus, for me, my political views are shaped by pragmatic concerns once my Christian ethic tells me the end being achieved is appropriate. As an example, making health care more available is a noble goal. Just think of how many hospitals have Christian affiliations! And so what are some practical means to reach that goal of making health care more available? At this point, my perspectives are guided by practical considerations. Since this is a devotional blog, I won't go into this matter any further!
But what happens when a government fails to live up to this role of to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right?
There have been governments that have done the opposite.
Nazi Germany clearly needed to be opposed and it was and it cost millions of lives to defeat that terrible evil. The Iron Curtain needed to be resisted and for much of the 20th Century, those totalitarian governments oppressed, arrested and executed many people. Over time, with determined resistance within and opposition from without, that system collapsed.
And so in St. Peter's day, the Roman Empire reigned strong. I suppose in some areas the local governors were brutal and perhaps in some areas they actually tried to be just. In any case, the admonition here is to start a revolution by a transformed life: doing good ... live free but don't abuse it ... live as servants ... Show proper respect ... love others ... fear God ... honor authorities.
Think that is good advice for me, living in 21st Century America?
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Lord, have mercy on the rulers and authorities in my nation. Whether they call you Lord or not, may they be granted wisdom to govern justly and effectively. There is a lot of frustration among the citizens of America with the government. Some of it quite understandable. Turn our disappointments into a renewed commitment to live rightly in our daily life toward our neighbors. Help us to do good. Help us to use the freedom and opportunities in the USA for good and not just self-interest. Give me a servant heart. Strengthen the impulse within me to be respectful and loving to others. Guide me to fear you and honor and pray for those who rule. Amen.
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