Closer to home, I like to do surf fishing. I use light to medium equipment as the fish are usually not that large. My typical rig is a size 8 hook at the end of a 2-3 foot leader of 4 lb. line attached to a swivel. Above the swivel, I thread through a pink bead and above that I slip the line through the eye of a bass casting sinker. I use 3/4 oz. or 1 oz. depending on how vigorous the waves are and which rod I have with me. My 7 foot rod can handle the 1 oz sinker easily. When I use the lighter 6 1/2 footer, I only go as high as 3/4 oz.
I use a 1 1/2 to 3 inch piece of Berkeley's Gulp! Sandworms as bait.
Here are some fish I caught in a recent trip to Venice beach.

My feet are size 7 so this Barred Surf Perch is on the small side.

Here is a mid-sized Barred Surf Perch. They can grow larger! BSPs are known to attack the bait pretty vigorously and put up a decent fight. I'm told they are pretty tasty fish too. However, I generally do catch and release fishing. I suppose if I caught a larger one, I might keep it for dinner!

This is a Walleye Surf Perch. These critters don't get very large and so this one is small even for this species.
For more information about surf fishing in Southern California, check out
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