One of the alumni of West Coast Chinese Christian Conference past away after a long battle with cancer.
To read a little bit more about her life, check this web page out.
The time of memorial was a mixture of sadness and celebration. Sadness in that so many people felt the loss of this bright light of a life. Celebration in that she was now freed from the bonds of physical suffering and celebration in that we all had good memories and feel our lives were enriched by knowing Susan.
I was a good time of reflection on life, reconnecting with old friends and of seeing once again the town I lived in from 1997-1998.

If the flowers don't give it away certainly the photos below will give it away as does this song.

Click for a larger image.
Added another ballpark to my list of visited ball parks.

What do you think these people are doing?

If you know this town, you will know where this is!?

This one should be easy to identify.

Click for a larger image.
The bridge is familiar. But where did I take the photo from?

The flower shots were taken at the same location. Do you know where it is?
To see the answers, go here.
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