I "talk" to God by praying. I believe God hears. But does God "talk" back?
Hmmm ...
I have to say I have NOT heard an unmistakable audible voice of God like you see in a movie like the Ten Commandments.
No burning bushes. No angelic visits.
So how does God "speak" to me?
I suppose one way is through the Scriptures when I read them or when someone shares them with me. Often times it seems that when I'm face-to-face with the Bible, something just "jumps out." Call it coincidence or call it God communicating?
Another way I suppose is what some people have called "divine appointments" when some circumstance of life happen where you think, "what was that?" Was that a "God thing?" Or my favorite phrase, "a whisper of grace?" Again, one without faith might say that was just a happenstance and the believer is reading into an ordinary event some divine meaning. Perhaps so.
One definition of a miracle I heard recently was: an unusual event that encourages faith.
With that definition a miracle isn't so much about the event but what results from the event.
That would widen the definition of a miracle beyond the spectacular and could include the subtle.
So is God speaking to me when the other day I was reflecting on the idea of the Sabbath and certain thoughts came to mind?
The idea of a cessation of activity is alien in our 24/7 plugged in, internet, cable tv, the city never sleeps society.
I went to the Scriptures.
Exodus 20:11 reminded me that its origin is tied into the Creation. I thought, I'm so busy trying to make a living (my job) and live my life (various activities) that I need to stop to remember and honor the Giver of Life!
Deuteronomy 5:15 reminded me that God wanted his people to remember they were free people and no longer slaves in Egypt. With instant communication, one can be "chained" to the job all the time. One can jump in the car and be at the office anytime. Is that freedom? Nope. I'm thankful for the labor I have the opportunity to do but I must remember I'm not a slave to the job nor the money it provides nor the prestige it affords. My life belongs to God.
Did God "speak" to me?
Lord, I don't know what kind of Sabbath you are leading me to observe. I know Jewish folks have very specific ways to observe the Sabbath. Perhaps there are some aspects of it I should apply to my life. Help me to seek your wisdom on how to keep the Sabbath holy in my life. Help me to see that time of cessation of work/activity as an extra special set apart time to commune with you the Creator, Savior and lord of my Life. Thank you I am not a slave. And Lord, please work your power in the world where slavery still exists. Help good people to fight that injustice. Amen.
Rambling about soccer: LA Galaxy, IF Elfsborg, Falkenbergs FF, Liverpool FC, Queens Park Rangers, and LAFC. Also random rambling about Star Trek, LA sports (Dodgers, UCLA, Kings, Lakers, Rams), politics (centrist), faith (Christian), and life. Send comments to rrblog[at]yahoo[dot]com.
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