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Have been a supporter of the Search Dog Foundation since 2005.
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Why are search dogs needed?
After a disaster, when buildings have crumbled to the ground, dogs can search much more quickly and safely than people can. By training on simulated rubble piles where volunteer victims are hiding, the canines and their handlers prepare themselves to find people who would otherwise remain buried. A disaster search dog must learn to crawl through tunnels, walk up and down ladders, and walk on wobbly surfaces and over debris and rubble. The dog must be able to go in a direction that its handler has signaled and stop and wait for instructions.
See the video profiles of the work SDF is doing.
Newman's Own Foundation has offered a $100,000 challenge grant to SDF.
As such, I'm contributing this month to SDF and am encouraging RR readers to consider supporting them as well. Thanks!
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