Devotional Thoughts: Prayers for those who lead us in church on Sundays

O Lord,

May those who lead us in church have heart's fast bound against worldly thoughts or cares.

Flood their minds with peace beyond understanding.

May they lead us into ...
sweet meditations,
worship filled with liberty and joy,
drinking from the living streams that flow from you
and preparation to feast on the Word and the Sacrament.

May their efforts be used by your Spirit to knit our hearts to Jesus.

Our LORD God,

We long that your people would be built up with divine truth and bear honest testimony of you.

Give assistance to those who will lead us in worship, prayer and preaching.

When we gather as a community, may your people be refreshed, melted, convicted, comforted.

May preachers point our hearts toward Christ's incarnation, sufferings and resurrection that we would be made holy.

Give our pastors the Spirit's support, comfort, strength, holiness that he would be a pure channel of your grace and thus enabled to serve your people.

In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.

Prayers adapted from Valley of Vision, pp. 189 & 192.

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