IF THERE is one thing as reckless as ballot-box budgeting, it's ballot-box energy policy.
It would take a two-thirds vote of the California Legislature to make even minor changes in Prop. 80. As we have seen too often during budget negotiations, a supermajority requirement is an invitation to gridlock in the Capitol.
The rarely united California Public Utilities Commission was unanimous in recommending an emphatic "no" vote on Proposition 80.
This measure does not belong on the ballot. We urge its defeat.
Rambling about soccer: LA Galaxy, IF Elfsborg, Falkenbergs FF, Liverpool FC, Queens Park Rangers, and LAFC. Also random rambling about Star Trek, LA sports (Dodgers, UCLA, Kings, Lakers, Rams), politics (centrist), faith (Christian), and life. Send comments to rrblog[at]yahoo[dot]com.
No on Prop 80
Prop 80 attempts to write some new rules for California's electrical utilities. I have some libertarian instincts and the idea of regulating the electrical utilities via ballot initiative strikes me as dubious. My gut reaction is to vote NO on Prop 80. It is nice to know that even a lefty paper like the SF Chronicle agrees. Quote:
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Typical, pathetic little cons such as yourself probably will never align yourself on the side of protecting the common person or by opening yourself up to what the true facts are.This is clearly evident when looking at your proposition stances.My gut feeling tells me that your probably a right wing Christian Evangelical or a born again used by the right to advance their greedy ways! It's your kind of thinking that prevents us from forming a better world for all!
ya i would say that most likely whoever says no on 80 probably has some kinda of personal connections with a power company or are trying to protect their rich friends.
I'll leave comments up whether they agree with me or not. I'll only take down comments that are spam ads, contain egregiously offensive material or completely off topic. Obviously the two commentors above disagree with me and think I'm completely wrong about everything or at least Prop 80. My approach is if its clean and on topic, it stays. As Dennis Prager often says: I prefer clarity to agreement.
In regards to Prop 80, I own no utility stocks directly. I suppose my modest holdings in mutual funds (IRA and otherwise) might have utility stocks!
I suppose the LA Times, SF Chronicle and Sacramento Bee (all three recommend a no vote) are just trying to protect their rich and greedy friends.
Keep the comments flowing, feedback (positive and negative) is helpful to the blog dialog!
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