Its a final

With Sen. Kerry winning pretty much everywhere, Edwards has ended his campaign.

Now, for the Veepstakes... Edwards never went after Kerry hard in ads or debates so he probably will be on the list.

Wonder which way will Kerry go... try to go for a regional ticket balancer like Edwards, the Southerner, find somebody (Gephardt?) he believes will be able to be President if needed (Bush chose Cheney who didn't add much electoral votes hailing from Wyoming), try for a generational pick (Clinton selecting Gore, a fellow baby-boomer) or go for the fences with an off-the-wall choice (Mondale putting Feraro on the 1984 ticket).

UPDATE: I should add one last factor, winning a particular state with the VP choice. It doesn't always work but in a really close one, it might. Thus, there is a certain buzz about Sen. Graham and Sen. Nelson from Florida which was the key state back in 2000.

UPDATE: I'm guessing Hillary won't go for it because she is going to wait for her shot in 2008 for the top job. I wonder if Diane Feinstein's name is going to get circulated? If California were actually competitive, then we are looking at a 40+ state landslide. But electoral math aside, would a woman candidate mobilize voters throughout the USA? Feinstein has been Senator a pretty long time and would have a much better "ready for prime time" aura than Ferraro did in 1984.

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