Devotional Thoughts: Day Laborers

Am looking at Matthew 20:1-16.

The Kingdom of Heaven is compared to a man hiring workers for his vineyard. He hires at 9AM, noon, 3PM and 5PM.

At the end of the day, he gives all the workers a day's wages.

The ones who were hired earlier complain.

The owner replies, "Friend, I haven't been unfair! Didn't you agree to work all day for the usual wage? Take it and go, I wanted to pay this last worker the same as you. Is it against the law for me to do what I want with my money? Should you be angry because I am kind?"

Jesus then gives the punch-line: And so it is, that many who are first now will be last then; and those who are last now will be first then.

People come to have faith in Jesus at different points. Some make that commitment early in life while others make that decision much later. But in the end, whether one has an early start or a late one, the start is only possible by the gracious invitation of Jesus.

And so the early believers like the 9AM hires have no basis to complain.

Thank you Lord that you have called me to be one of your workers in this world. Help me to see your kindness at work amidst my fellow workers whether they be new ones or old ones!

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