Politics: RR's Cal Ballot Recommendations

I'll be preparing short posts on the November 2008 California Ballot Propositions.

Here below is my YES/NO rundown with links to my posts as they become available.

1A - No
2 - Yes
3 - Yes
4 - Yes
5 - No
6 - No
7 - No
8 - Yes
9 - No
10 - No
11 - Yes
12 - Yes

Update: In case you are curious, the California Democratic Party says:
Yes: 1A, 2, 3, 5, 12
No: 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11
No position: 10

The California Republican Party says:
Yes: 4, 6, 8, 9, 12
No: 1A, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10
No position: 11


Anonymous said...

Since you're still thinking on 6 and 9, I'll weigh in. I'm voting against both of these. Prop 6 has some good thoughts about increasing penalties for crimes committed by gang members, but our system already has some gang "enhancements" that can add time to a term. Primarily, I'm concerned that it reduces the age that a minor can be to be tried as an adult, from 15 to 14. Not sure I want to send a minor, even a gang banger, to prison for life. As a probation officer who writes sentencing reports, this will have a impact on me.
I'm voting agains prop 9 because it will take away a defendant's right to confront his accusers, if they are victims. I'm really not a soft on crime guy, but I am uncomfortable with enough provisions in props 6 and 9. I'm also voting againt prop5. Tim M.

Rene said...

Thanks for the insight as a law enforcement professional.

I usually have a "no" vote on propositions unless I get enough reasons to give it a yes.

Thus, I too will be going no on 5, 6 and 9.

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