Devotional Thoughts: Waiting upon the Lord

Have recently been pondering the experience of waiting upon God.

I find myself thinking these two thoughts in regards to this:
(1) Uncertain expectations
(2) Exciting anticipation

Uncertain expectations.

Sometimes what we pray for might not get answered in the way we hope. Or in some cases, it might get answered and we might not even know it!

For instance, as someone who works with the youth group at church, parents and youth workers pray for kids that they would grow in faith. Well, sometimes it seems like they are grasping what following Jesus looks like. But sometimes, it isn't so clear! One wonders what their lives will look like 10 or 20 years later. Thus, there is uncertain expectations on how that prayer will be answered.

The prayer for their growth in faith leads to other prayers for our role in their lives and aspects of the young person's life besides what happens at church. We pray for how their life of faith will encompass all the other aspects of a busy young person's life in 21st century America.

Another area of my life where I face uncertain expectations is in regards to my predisposition to small bowel obstructions. I can pray for healing and God could heal me and I wouldn't even know it! In my life, so far almost 46 years, my intestines have worked normally with the exception of three occasions for about a grand total of three weeks.

I know that I will be healed for sure upon meeting my Lord Jesus. But until then, will I be healed?

My condition does not produce any daily sensations that indicate something is wrong. And so if I'm healed, I wouldn't know it.

But if I am not healed, I may at some point(s) in the future have a repeat of the obstruction sending me to the ER and to hospitalizations.

Does this prayer for healing lead to other prayers?

Indeed, there is gratitude for the God given human mind that explores medicine. Though we don't know how to reverse the condition that causes obstructions, we know enough about the body to have medical interventions that can sustain the body until the body restores itself. If I lived 150 of so years ago, there would not have been the medical knowledge to do anything about it. In parts of the world today where hospital care is not available, the condition would almost certainly be fatal.

And so, God help me to be grateful for each day and to live with enthusiasm as life is a gift from God.

Exciting anticipation.

Sometimes we pray for something and as we meditate on that thing, we wind up praying for a lot of other things. In the end, if we are willing to engage with God in conversation (or as some picture it, a dance), that initial prayer for one thing leads to placing the WHOLE of our life before Him.

Single folks pray for a spouse. And if we are giving that over to our Lord, that initial prayer should lead to prayers for a lot of other things around that one initial desire. For instance, a prayer for a spouse could lead to one to pray, Lord, teach me and help me to treat the people I date with honor, respect and grace. That person across the dinner table or in the chair in coffee shop also has hopes and dreams and desires. This relationship may or may not take off but regardless, I want the way I treat her to be pleasing to you.

The prayer for a spouse could lead one to pray for one's personal character development. I want to grow as a human being into greater Christ-likeness. Lord, this can happen in a special relationship but can it happen even without it? Indeed, help me to develop in godly virtue regardless of whether I'm single or married. If I want a wife who is a Jesus follower, then God help me to be a Jesus follower whether or not I have a wife. If I want to marry a woman who is good hearted and compassionate, then Holy Spirit, work in my heart to soften it and open it to give love so I will be a better human being and a happier one regardless of whether or not I get married.

And so as I now plan for a wedding (okay, she is doing most of the planning... I do help ... a little!) and await marriage, I have prayers of thanksgiving but also prayers for God's help. Scripture says, husbands love your wives as Christ loves the church. That is a high calling! And I need to be in prayer for help in how that is to be lived out. I need to be humbling myself before God and asking for growth in godly virtue to be the kind of man who will love in sickness and in health and be there for richer or poorer.

In the end, my experience of waiting upon our God is that it leads to placing not just the immediate concern and need before God but the committing of my entire life upon the altar.

Romans 12:1-2
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Lord, help me to bring the whole of my life to you. Help me to recognize you are my heavenly father who is good and desires for me to grow into goodness amidst a world that has darkness in it. Help me to recognize that your timing can be trusted and that even as I wait in uncertain expectation, I can find gratitude and growth. Amen.

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