Can you say and spell Trockenbeerenauslese?

A few blog posts back, I mentioned Blue Danube Wine Company. Based on the wine descriptions and recommendations of the owner, I placed an order and the other day I poped open my first wine from them.

I tried the Rosenhof Welschriesling Trockenbeerenauslese (TBA) 1998. I found it refreshing and delightful as did my friends. We had the wine with some fruit for dessert. The aromas reminded me of apples and fresh cut celery. Does that sound, oh, so snooty to write?! I know next to nothing about wine and with my Asian genes, I can't drink too much. But I take in modest quantities now and then to enjoy the sensory experience: looking at the color while swirling it in the glass, detecting the aromas before I drink and then letting it linger on the taste buds. Sounds so hedonistic, eh? All in all, a nice wine to end the evening with for its sweet taste and crisp feel.

Here is the page where you can read more about what Blue Danube has to say about the Rosenhof winery. And here is the blurb about the wine I ordered: This grape - not to be confused with the Rhine Riesling - makes usually for relatively simple, easygoing wines. In this region it is also known as one of the grapes best suited to produce stylish and well structured sweet wines. The Rosenhof TBA is fragrant, lively and refreshing, stone fruits with almonds and autumn leaves. A very fine wine with lots of personality. People love it.

I got a few other wines from Blue Danube and as I try them out in dinner parties and celebrations, I'll blog back!

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