Displaced people and devestated places

CNN is reporting that the Astrodome in Houston is now closed because it is filled up with refugees from New Orleans.

At Volokh Conspiracy there is a post from a NO lawyer describing the total destruction of the legal offices and courts of the city. He describes the impact: And what happens when the evidence in their cases has been destroyed? Will the guilty be released upon the communities? Will the innocent not be able to prove their innocence?

One of the new tourist destinations in New Orleans was the opening of the National D-Day Museum. Right now the link is dead. Once can guess they kept the server in the museum and water and computers don't go together well.

As it is now, all I can tell you about that museum is what the Google search turns up:

The National D-Day Museum, New Orleans - America's National World ... Explores the lives of American men and women who took part in World War II through letters, recruitment posters, weapons, models, and film. www.ddaymuseum.org/

There is some debate on whether to rebuild New Orleans. Of course, the focus right now is really on rescue and recovery of the people. And at some point later, we will return to the question of what kind of NOLA will rise from this calamity.

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