Devotional Thoughts: Can we accept these statements?

In Matthew 19:1-12, Jesus talked about marriage, divorce and singleness.

The bottom line on marriage was in verse 6, "Since they are no longer two but one, let no one separate them, for God has joined them together."

The Pharisees wanted to know if there was any exceptions and Jesus mentioned only one in verse 9, unfaithfulness of one of the partners.

Most Christians would include in the definition of "unfaithfulness" abandonment (absent physically and emotionally) and abuse (physically present but abusive physically or emotionally or both).

What puzzles me is why did the disciples then say in verse 10, "Then it is better not to marry!"

If I take it at face value, then the disciples really seem to be saying, "If there is only one escape clause for marriage, better not get into one!"

I suppose as a single guy, maybe I don't have a full appreciation of how difficult marriage can be even in the best of circumstances?

In any case, Jesus doesn't seem to challenge their response and says in verse 11, "Not everyone can accept this statement. Only those whom God helps."

So if you are married and want to follow what Jesus said here you will need God's help!

In verse 12, Jesus talks about singleness using eunuchs as the exact word. There are three kinds: (1) from birth (2) made so by others and (3) those who choose it for the sake of the Kingdom. Again, Jesus says, "Let anyone who can, accept this statement."

So it would seem that single or married, what Jesus says is hard to accept!
LORD, have mercy on me a sinner.

What good I am able to do in this life is by the power of your Spirit.
What joy I can experience is due to the greatness of your love shown on the Cross.
What pleasures in Your will I can know is because you have created me unique.

Please help me to live in godly manhood offering provision, protection and gentle leadership to the women in my life appropriate to the relationships I share with them. Whether single or married, may I do all for the glory of God alone.


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