Devotional Thoughts: The Last Supper, the Communion, the Eucarist ... by any other name would still be as moving

Matthew 26:17-30 is the story of the Last Supper.

Jesus utilizes the traditional Passover Seder to institute the Lord's Supper.

In brief, in Jewish tradition, the Passover Seder ritual is held annually to remember the Israelite trials of life in Egypt, the delieverance by God from Egypt and the anticipation of the Messiah.

It is believed that Jesus was celebrating the Passover with his followers in the traditional way but made alterations to the ceremony to explain how HE HIMSELF is ultimate Passover Lamb.

Excerpt from another Passover Seder site:
Scene 3: Tzafun (Dessert): We find or redeem that which is tzafun--hidden, the afikomen. It is our dessert, the last morsel of food eaten at the seder, a symbol of redemption.
How appropriate that Jesus would say, "Take it and eat it, for this is my body."

Jesus is the redeemer!

Here is an excerpt regarding the wine cup after the Afikomen.
Curtain: Kos Shli'shee (The third cup of wine): The meal concludes with the third cup of wine, another reminder of God's promise of redemption.
Of this cup, Jesus says, "Each of you drink from it, for this is my blood, which seals the covenant between God and his people. It is poured out to forgive the sins of many."

Jesus is the ultimate Passover Lamb!

In the Jewish experience, the Lamb was slain and its blood used to mark the homes so the Angel of Death would passover that household. God delievered the people out of slavery from Egypt shortly afterward.

Jesus is the ultimate Passover Lamb!

By trusting in Jesus, His blood washes away our sin so that death due to sin would passover us. Jesus by His broken boday and shed blood delievers us from slavery to sin and the penalty of death.

In churches everywhere in the world, this Lord's Supper is used to remind us of what Jesus did. In some churches it is called Communion because it reminds us that it was by Jesus as symbolized by the bread and wine that a spiritual union exists between us and God.

In some churches, it is called the Eucarist because that word comes from the ancient Greek for gratitude.

Lord Jesus, thank you for giving your life for all of us while we were yet sinners. Help me to remember what you have done each day so that I might live in humility knowing it is by your grace that I have life. Give me boldness to share your Life with others. Amen.

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