Personal: Learning to give money

Recently met two of the writers behind the blog Boundless: the line while attending the God Blog Conference.

Came across this item on Boundless regarding Christians and their giving habits.

The writer, Denise Morris, quotes the following paragraph:
If Christians had given the traditional 10 percent tithe of their income to their churches in 2004, instead of the 2.56 percent that they actually gave, there would have been an additional $164 billion available, according to a report released in October called "The State of Church Giving through 2004." If the churches chose to funnel just $70-$80 billion of that additional income to missions and humanitarian works, the basic needs of every person on the globe would be provided.
Earlier this year, I sensed I needed to look at my giving practices. I made a commitment to increase it both in giving to the church as well as to other causes that help people in need. I started posting "non-profit" of the month features on this blog to highlight some of the organizations I have come across that I support.

I wonder to what degree the Christians in that survey also donate to non-church organizations?

I wonder if there is some discontent at how perhaps some of our churches are using the money we give?

In any case, I know I want to grow in giving. I appreciate the honesty of the author when she write this:
Now, I know that some people disagree about what tithing money should be used for, or where it should all go. But, either way, we should be giving. We've been given so much, and God only asks us to give a small amount back to Him. The stat from Relevant Magazine is shocking. We have the means to do so much good -- to glorify the Lord through our giving -- but, at least for me, trips to Banana Republic sometimes get in the way.

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